Let your Jobs Socialise! – Expr3ss! Jobstr3am

Posted by Dr Glyn Brokensha | December - 2 - 2013 | 0 Comment

socialNetworkExpr3ss! Jobstr3am puts your jobs onto Facebook and Twitter, the two key social platforms reaching over 14 million Australians monthly [1]

Expr3ss! Jobstr3am harnesses the power and reach of social media to put your jobs in front of a receptive audience who share them with their friends and followers.  And it does so with no fuss and at absolutely no cost to you.

Everyone understands that social media and endorsement is the most effective way to reach large audiences.  Audiences that often are not reached by conventional “above the line” advertising.  You just can’t afford not to be there.

How does it work?

Two complementary strategies combine to grab the attention of job seekers and their social circle…

1)  Live Stream to Facebook, Twitter and the Expr3ss! Jobs App

Expr3ss! Jobstr3am puts every new job on your Expr3ss! Service onto Facebook and Twitter, as well as onto the Expr3ss! Jobs App.

Yes, each time you make a Job publicly visible in “Apply” mode on your Expr3ss! Service we automatically post it on Facebook.com/expr3ssJobs and Twitter.com/expr3ssJobs.   And it automatically features on the Expr3ss Jobs App, available here.

And we also do this for visible Jobs that you change from “Interest” to “Apply” mode or whose “Open Date” you bring forward to today’s date.

So at the very time you want to call attention to a Job you’re actively recruiting for, we capture it and re-broadcast it for free on the major social channels and on our App [here].   And this happens automatically, within 10 minutes and without any additional work from you! *

Did you know that you can also embed your Expr3ss! service as a tab in your own Facebook pages too?   It’s easy, takes about two minutes and requires no programming skills.

See how we do it ourselves here. facebookTab

We also have a great and simple step-by-step guide we will send you on request.

2) Expr3ss! Jobstr3am Promotion Across the Board

From a very promising start, garnering followers in the thousands by natural growth, we are now actively promoting Expr3ss! Jobstr3am with give-aways and “above the line” advertising.

And every applicant to any job on Expr3ss! is introduced to Jobstr3am after their application is complete.  So applicants to our other customers are introduced to your Jobs and vice versa.  Everyone benefits!

Background and Rationale

These days job seekers have no difficulty in finding absolutely every job they might ever possibly be interested in.  And they do this in a flash using the power of the Internet and search engines like Google and increasingly the job-centric Indeed.com.

Gone are the days when limited access to job ads only in print media limited your job ads’ reach, meaning job-seeker choices were limited by obscurity and employers acquired applicants who were uninformed about opportunities elsewhere.

Now anything that is public anywhere is already everywhere.  And applicants inevitably exercise their choices about where they want to work.  This is especially so now as demographic changes reduce the number of people available to be employed in Australia and as a result unemployment seems set to remain at historically low figures for at least the next generation.

Modern, forward-thinking businesses recognise this and harness the power of social media and the Internet in general to best advantage.

So by participating in JobStr3am your jobs are introduced to a wider and wider audience, through the power of social sharing.  Your jobs are promoted to the wider pool of applicants across the whole of Expr3ss!  And vice versa, reducing ad spend, regardless of whether you have your own Facebook or Twitter pages.

Quite literally, “what goes around comes around” and everyone benefits.

Thanks for dropping by…

* We allow 5 minutes grace in case you change your mind and stream your job within five minutes after that.  So in 5 to 10 minutes your Job will be visible.  Oh!… and this be repeated as often as once every seven days.  So jump in and update your Job Ad dates each week to get a re-stream for best exposure!  And, yes, we are building the Android App 🙂

[1] http://frankmedia.com.au/2013/10/01/social-media-statistics-australia-september-2013/