How to Reduce Recruitment Costs – 5 Proven Strategies

Posted by Tegan Kavanagh
18 Dec 2020
Reduce Recruitment Costs

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, many businesses have made significant adjustments to their usual operations, one of those changes has been to reduce costs in a number of areas including recruitment. A number of companies have cut recruitment costs drastically, while some others would have ceased recruiting altogether. Many Expr3ss! clients dusted off and put into action the recruitment strategies they used to survive the GFC so that they were in great shape for 2021. In light of times with such restricted budgets for recruitment, it is sensible for companies to turn to the more cost-effective techniques to action recruiting…  Read More

What is workplace culture and why should you take it seriously?

Posted by Tegan Kavanagh
11 Dec 2020

Workplace culture can be defined as a combination of shared beliefs, values, attitudes and behaviours that shape the way an organisation and its employees function. Every single business has a culture, however, the main factor that sets successful companies apart from the rest is that they have actively nurtured and cultivated a strong culture within their firms. A strong culture begins with leadership clearly outlining their expectations, values and goals of the business, and then actively communicating these aspects to both current and prospective employees. This creates an environment where everyone understands what is expected of them, and behave accordingly….  Read More

HR Trends. What’s changed, what stays, where to now?

Posted by Carolyne Burns
17 Sep 2020
Hiring Trends during COVID-19

As Australia slowly awakens from this moment. What are the implications for HR, now and into the future? The world is enduring a cataclysmic event that has changed society forever. As Australia slowly awakens from this moment. What are the implications for HR, now and into the future? We think that the changes we will face can be grouped into two piles: how we work and what we do – with implications for both employers and employees. Here are the big issues: How we work will change Flexibility is key The workplace was already changing, the pandemic has accelerated those…  Read More

Two Call Centre Recruitment Techniques To Reduce Costly Turnover

Posted by Carolyne Burns
8 Sep 2020
Call Centre Recruitment

Hiring staff is expensive in terms of recruiting time. How to set transparent expectations early? The call centre industry is transforming. They have traditionally been hubs to receive and answer customer phone calls, today they have to be an “omni channel” centre communicating over a variety of communication channels. Despite this need to evolve with technology, call centre recruitment still encounters the same major issue as in the past. High employee turnover The biggest challenge to employment in the industry is high employee turnover with attrition rates of 20-35%. This is especially pronounced for entry-level representatives. Hiring staff is expensive…  Read More

Why Franchise Businesses Need Recruitment Software

Posted by Carolyne Burns
25 Aug 2020
Franchise Recruitment

Franchisees are not professional recruiters, yet are often expected to do the work of one. The franchise industry is fast-paced and competitive, according to the 2016 Franchising Australia survey, there are approximately 79,000 franchise units in Australia.   As more franchise businesses enter the market, competition to draw in the best candidates can be intense as franchises vie for the same talent pool. On top of this competitive environment, franchisees are not professional recruiters, so the time and financial cost of turnover can be high if they are not up to date with the most effective recruitment techniques. Below we list…  Read More

Love, Dating & Predictive Technology

Posted by Carolyne Burns
8 Jul 2020
Love Dating and Predictive Technology

The increased speed has become a defining characteristic of the modern recruitment world. Decades ago if you were seeking a specific individual, for either an incredible romantic encounter or a perfect fit for an available job role, you would likely be spending months searching for someone who unfortunately only met minimum criteria. The reach of the internet has changed that profoundly. With the flick of a power button, an incredible number of prospects became available to interact with for both dating and professional opportunities. Both romantics and recruiters have more information available to them than they would have ever dreamed…  Read More

Can AI read people better than you?

Posted by Carolyne Burns
1 Jul 2020

Is AI Biased? Of Course it is! And so are humans. Reading resumes and conducting interview is ineffective and biased – and in the worst possible way… we don’t like to admit it. How many recruiters would lay claim to being “below average” in staff selection? Half of us are, by definition… but of course ego says, “not I”… it’s always someone else. The jury has been in on the uselessness of resumes for decades. Even if they were not full of misleading information, half-truths and downright lies, they are valueless. And recent research from Yale School of Management by…  Read More

The 7 Benefits of Using A Predictive Hiring ATS Over A Rudimentary ATS

Posted by Carolyne Burns
25 Jun 2020
HR utilise latest generation predictive hiring technology for recruitment

Are you another recruiter or HR professional working from home? How will this change how you hire? In the world of recruitment today, companies that utilise the latest generation of Predictive Hiring Technology (PHT) integrated Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), will be able to hire the best suited candidates, attracting and identifying them quicker than in the past. Those that fail to adapt to emerging predictive technologies and tools will fall behind in achieving their digital transformation objectives. A company requires efficient and insightful processes for their recruitment strategy to be able to save time and focus on what is important,…  Read More

Resume Lies on the Increase

Posted by Carolyne Burns
3 Sep 2018
CVs & Resumes contain lies

  Four out of five resumes fail the test Resumes are supposed to be an accurate, factual document detailing work history, education and experience.  But research from respected source Risk Advisory Group shows us that four out of every five resumes fail that test: “CV lies continue to pose a problem in recruitment. The Risk Advisory Group’s annual study on ‘CV Lies’ identified that 80 percent of the 5,000 screening cases sampled contained one or more CV discrepancies. The greatest number of CV discrepancies relate to candidates’ academic background (57%) and employment history (59%).” “Eye-gaze” research has shown that recruiters rely…  Read More

Time-to-Apply – new research and surprising data

Posted by Dr Glyn Brokensha
6 Aug 2018
Remote Recruitment and Hiring Tips and Strategies

Just how important is “Time-to-Apply”? Talk around the traps is that applicants are unwilling to spend more than a very few minutes on job applications?  But is this true?  New research about Time-to-Apply from Kantrowitz, Tuzinski & Raines of SHL strongly suggests it is not… ” HR staff understand what candidates are looking for … mostly but… … HR respondents tend to be more extreme in the extent to which they believe candidates prefer short, novel, technology-enabled hiring tools, compared to actual candidate preferences.” SHL Global Assessment Trends Report Tracy M. Kantrowitz Kathy A. Tuzinski Justin M. Raines So just…  Read More