500K migrants looking for work and some employers are still complaining

Posted by Carolyne Burns
25 Jun 2024
Avoid hiring bias and discrimination with technology

Employers complained about the lack of applicants. Now we have 500K migrants looking for work and some employers are still complaining. After COVID lockdowns starved employers of talent. A fresh wave of skilled migrant workers offers relief to those Australian businesses which are prepared to tackle their unconscious biases and hire the best person for the job. Australia has long been the lucky country for waves of migrants. Many migrants have looked to Australia to escape hardships such as war and famine in the hope of making a fresh start. Their strong work ethic has been the backbone of the…  Read More

Trying to avoid conscious and unconscious bias? Technology can help

Posted by Carolyne Burns
14 May 2024
Avoid bias that results in costly bad hires.

Whether it’s by accident or on purpose, it’s easy for people to let bias cloud their judgement when it comes to hiring decisions. We all have biases and preconceived notions about the world. That doesn’t make you a terrible person, it’s just human nature. The problem is that we can’t always tell when those biases are quietly shaping our opinions. Or whether our biases are influencing the decisions we make, even when we’re trying to be truly objective. Whether it’s conscious or unconscious bias, you and your business can’t afford it. You can’t afford to let bias influence your decisions…  Read More

Garbage in, garbage out

Posted by Carolyne Burns
9 Apr 2024
Avoid the bad hires that results on focusing on skills only.

Hiring on skills then firing on attitudes makes for costly mistakes Hiring great people, who are in for the long haul, requires focusing less on what they can do and more on who they really are. Everyone wants to avoid bad hires! As employers are swamped with more job applications than ever, the temptation is to rely on old-fashioned CV screening to determine who makes the first cut. Skimming the skills section of a CV might give you an idea of what a candidate potentially brings to the role, but not whether they’re actually a good fit for your business….  Read More

ChatGPT ghostwrites CVs

Posted by Carolyne Burns
4 Mar 2024
CVs written by ChatGPT Fake

ChatGPT makes it impossible for you to find a real needle in the fake haystack with fake CVs. As employers are swamped by fake CVs and covering letters as ChatGPT ghostwrites them, isn’t it time to find a better way to determine whether someone is really a good fit for the job? CV screening has long been the first step in assessing job applicants. It typically involves a glance at the covering letter in order to judge their character, then a 6 second skim of CV skills to determine who makes it through to the next round. This might have…  Read More

Employers get hooked on applicant numbers, why?

Posted by Carolyne Burns
23 Jan 2024
Quality applicants over quantity of applicants

Surely, better staff retention is key? Quality is far more important than quantity when it comes to sifting through a vast pile of job applications in search of the perfect hire. Yet, employers foolishly get hooked on the notion that high applicant numbers to their job ads is vital. Surely, better staff retention is key? When looking to fill a role, many employers seem to suffer from a form of FOMO – “fear of missing out” on the one perfect person for the job. They assume that the more applications they review, the better the chances of finding that one…  Read More

Harvest your own Talent Pool

Posted by Tegan Kavanagh
13 Jul 2022

Talent Pooling is the process of creating your very own database of potential applicants who are qualified and have previously applied for your roles or expressed interest in working for your business

How to nail onboarding remotely – 6 Tips that Work

Posted by Tegan Kavanagh
22 Jul 2021
Working From Home

The onboarding phase of an employee’s journey is extremely important. After spending time, money and energy finding the right candidate for the role, the onboarding process is a major contributor to ensuring that the new hire actually sticks around. Research shows that 59% of Australian managers have had a new hire resign during their probation period due to a poor onboarding experience, with 43% leaving the company within the first month! These statistics highlight the need to spend time with new recruits in order to get them settled in and engaged within the organisation but, how can this be achieved…  Read More

How to research recruitment systems to ensure you get everything that is important

Posted by Tegan Kavanagh
20 Apr 2021

Is your current recruitment system doing the most for your staffing and business goals? We’ve heard it all before; strategic hiring is all about ensuring that we have the right people, with the right skills, in the right place, at the right time… but what is the best way to achieve this? With an abundance of recruitment solutions now available on the market, how do we ensure that the systems we put in place provide us with the most effective outcomes? Recruitment is not a “one size fits all” process. Every business has their own unique circumstances to consider when…  Read More

Top 7 factors a HR Professional needs to consider when recruiting new staff

Posted by Tegan Kavanagh
13 Apr 2021

Hiring decisions are one of the most important tasks for HR professionals. Businesses that are successful in these decisions are able to reap the benefits of attracting high quality applicants who are not only technically skilled for the role, but also possess qualities that make them a good fit for the work environment. This alignment can lead to increased productivity, profitability and employee satisfaction. However, making a bad hiring decision can cost time, money and the company’s reputation. Here are 7 factors that need to be considered when recruiting to avoid bad hiring decisions: 1. Up-to-date job analysis Prior to…  Read More

Why your initial application process should NOT ask applicants for numerous documents

Posted by Tegan Kavanagh
19 Mar 2021

When preparing your job advertisement and application process, it may seem intuitive to ensure it is as comprehensive as possible in order to avoid time-wasters and select the most suitable candidates for the role. However, an application process that is too comprehensive may actually do more harm than good. If your initial application process is asking applicants for their whole life story straight off the bat, not only do you risk scaring off high quality applicants, but you could also unintentionally put your business at risk of breaching anti-discrimination and/or privacy laws. Keep reading to find out why asking applicants…  Read More